Each of YOU have an opportunity to participate in the publishing of Your Diego artworks.

A new book “Artist of a Thousand Faces” is in the planning stages by Stephen Max to celebrate Diego’s 100th Birth Year on August 10th.

Please EMAIL us your unique Diego “faces” works of art and any stories or quips you have, to be considered for this publication (no later than May 20th 2020).

Here is an example of unique “faces” by Diego:


A new book “Artist of a Thousand Faces” is in the planning stages by Stephen Max to celebrate Diego’s 100th Birth Year on August 10th.

Please EMAIL us your unique Diego “faces” works of art and any stories or quips you have, to be considered for this publication.


Raphael, Self-portrait, between 1504 and 1506, tempera on panel, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

“The Eternal Importance of Raphael!” And DIEGO

April 6, 2020 marked the 500th death anniversary of one of art history’s greats. Does Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino sill carry relevance today?

Read here to learn more:

Internationally collected artist (100th Birthday) Antonio Diego Voci (VOH-chee) 1920-1985 traveled to (Raphael’s birthplace) Urbino, Italy during his career as an artist.

As Diego’s acclaim grew, he ventured into publishing another series of prints handmade on special lithostones in [Raphael’s birthplace] Urbino, Italy in 1979, financed by Naffouj Gallery.”

Helga Voci, widow to Diego Voci, shares:

In 1979 we had gone to Urbino, Italy where Diego made a series of very beautiful Lithographs. They were handmade on special litho stones. We stayed there for about 10 days and it was very hard work.


Antonio Diego Voci (VOH-chee), the youngest of 3 brothers was born Antonio Innocenzo Voci on 10 August 1920 in the mountainous region near Catanzaro, Italy, in the small village of Gasperina, Born to be an artist.

1920 August VOCI Antonio Innocenzo Birth Certificate Gasperina, Italy (2)

“Diego” was the nickname in the artist’s adult life. He shunned his middle name “Innocenzo”. His family called him “Toto” as a child he signed his works VOCI through 1965. Thereafter “Diego”.

Diego lived up to the title of his 3-page biography “This Artist Is A Lion” that appeared in the May 1974 TV Guide. “His course mane of black hair jutting out drastically behind him, DIEGO is the image of his zodiac symbol – the lion.”

Diego’s voices came thru his art and over the years became the “Artist of a Thousand Faces” and “Master of the Surreal”. To view the book, “Beauty of Diego”

Link to August Newsletter; Celebrate Diego’s Birthday.

Memories of Menorca (1976) on Diego’s Birthday

Birthdays came and went in Diego’s world however one year Helga planned a special surprise.  Helga invited her parents, Christine Khan and her children, Alessandra was 2 years old at the time, and they all flew to an island off the south of Spain, Menorca.

They rented an apartment and to celebrate Diego’s birthday.  Friends and family gathered around the garden to celebrate Diego with lobsters and fun festivities.  Diego loved camaraderie and even played cards with the fisherman.

While there on Menorca, Diego captured ideas in his mind and here are two examples of sketches (one of 2 year old daughter Alessandra in the yard) were inspired by his birthday celebration.

Am Strand 66x80cm 1500 Euro Watercolor


Microsoft Word - Pricelist orginals.doc

To learn more about internationally collected artist Antonio Diego Voci (1920-1985) visit Wikipedia


Helga and Diego Voci’s daughter Alessandra #celebrates another year of life! 

Alessandra 2016  Bday KAC 26 JAN 2016

Alessandra like her father DiegoVoci™ is strong and determined. Not without challenges. Alessandra fights the daily battle with #Crohn’s Disease. She is the mother of two young men Timo and Tommy and enjoys life to it’s fullest. Alessandra cherishes #memories with her #artist father  #AntonioDiegoVoci – a few seen above!

Fröhlichen Geburtstag Fräulein #Voci!

Schönen Gruss, the DiegoVoci™ Project
                                              Coop, Stephen, Lisa, and Kami                                           

Read more about the DiegoVoci™ Family at #ArtifactCollectors on our “DiegoVoci™ History” thread:

28 NOV 2015 COOP Signature Box KAC

AC DV History #210 1/27/2016


Today, October 26th, 2015 my dad COOP COOPRIDER celebrates his 79th B-DAY!

As Diego Voci #Historian since 1973, my dad Coop is responsible for almost every publication you may have held on to when you bought your DIEGO artwork(s) since then!  In 2010 when dad and I were googling (it wasn’t even an official Webster’s Dictionary word yet) and found Mary Trimmins’ post on Artifact Collectors, who would have thought we’d be here today having cataloged over 1,000 Diego Artworks in the official DIEGO VOCI ARCHIVE to date at the DIEGO VOCI PROJECT (DVP).

Thank you & send us more:

My favorite of dad’s publications is the 8-Page catalog:

Coop's 8-page Catalog Published in 1974.

Coop’s 8-page Catalog Self-Published in 1974.

The cover seen here, has been used repeatedly over the years by all who love Diego and also like DIEGO’s signature. My dad, Coop, actually watched Diego draw and then created this trademark signature we all recognize. My dad and Diego spent much time together and hence we have the TV Guides*, the Interview with Victoria Williams*, and many memories*! (*See the publications, signature, Helga’s stories and more about Diego, and all 8 pages at our DVP thread on AC: )

My brother Kyle and 5 sisters: Shannon, Molli, Gabrielle, Kendra, and Tayna are so blessed to have Coop Cooprider as our dad – and Patti as our mom. They’ll be celebrating 57 years of marriage this coming February. One of my favorite photos is seen here:Dad and Mom COOPS 79th Birthday TODAY 26 OCT 2015

And, in addition to having had a successful career as a top executive, raising 7 children with my mom #Patti – dad, Coop, sings. Instead of pursuing a singing career as “Buddy Ashton” he stayed with mom to give us all 7 – a very good life! Dad took time out about 12 years ago to record a CD (yes, he croons like Frank #Sinatra!) titled “14 for my 7“:

“14 for my 7” by Coop

The DIEGO VOCI PROJECT would not be as successful as it has been without Lisa Camargo and Stephen Max in Canada. We all celebrate together for Coop’s continued desire to enhance DIEGO VOCI’s awareness in the art world! Thank you dad, Kami